Chapter 3 recounts the important evolution of nickel-titanium instruments. Chapters 4-5-6 cover the various stages of canal preparation, while Chapter 7 deals with the topic of cleaning the canal system. The latter topic is particularly important since mechanical cleaning alone is currently unable to decontaminate the endodontic system, a much more complex system when analysed three-dimensionally, unreachable by contact with instruments even in some areas of the main canal, more likely to be reached through a chemical decontamination action by specific irrigation solutions. Therefore, based on the current state of the art and current technological progress, the interaction between mechanical procedure and chemical/physical procedure provides the best results in terms of decontamination of the root canal system.
Shaping and cleaning the root canals
Édité parEdra media
ISBN :978-1-9572-6024-2
Date de parution :Février 2023
Pagination :192 pages
Auteur.s : Gianluca Plotino, Nicola Maria Grande.Gianluca Plotino, DDS, PhD Private practice, Rome
Nicola Maria Grande, DDS, PhD Contract professor in Endodontics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome; Contract professor in Endodontics, « Magna Graecia’’ University of Catanzaro; Private practice, Rome
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