This is the most comprehensive guide ever written on the topic of dental insurance. It can serve as a training tool for those new to dental insurance, an in-depth reference for those more experienced, as well as a quick “look-up” for anyone with a question about today’s insurance landscape.Is Dental Insurance a Source of Problems, Frustration or Stress for Your Dental Practice?This is the most comprehensive guide ever written on the topic of dental insurance. It can serve as a training tool for those new to dental insurance, an in-depth reference for those more experienced, as well as a quick “look-up” for anyone with a question about today’s insurance landscape.• Are you receiving reimbursement for 99% of your services including crowns and SRPs?• Do you understand how to be highly profitable in today’s world of insurance?• Is your team fully confident in the treatment plan estimates they provide patients?• Do you know how to make dental insurance work for you instead of against you?If you answered no to any of these questions, you need this resource. Packed with information, illustrations, examples, tips, and case studies, this guide covers every aspect of dental insurance from claims for simple fillings to complex hybrid denture and implant cases in real life situations.It is a must-have reference for every dental office!“In or out of network, we all have to deal with dental insurance at some level for our patients. Most of us learn by trial and error and still don’t get it completely right, costing thousands. This unique book is the only comprehensive source in the industry for insights into understanding dental insurance in a step-by-step manner to maximize patient benefits as well as your practice’s revenue.”Dr. Christopher Phelps, DMD CMCT“Dr. Campbell’s current and straightforward breakdown of dental insurance supports every dental office and team whether in or out of network! Valid questions are systematically posed and answered with speci
Understanding dental insurance
A guide for dentists and their teams
Édité parEdra media
ISBN :978-1-7351-4975-2
Date de parution :Septembre 2021
Pagination :360 pages
Auteur.s : Travis Campbell.TRAVIS CAMPBELL, DDS
Dr. Travis Campbell, has been a practicing dentist since 2009, after graduating from Baylor University in Waco, Texas and then Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, Texas. He is an author, trainer, speaker at dental conferences, a contributor to various online dental communities, and dental coach/consultant. He has been dubbed “The Practice Whisperer”, which became the title of his first book released in 2019. Ever an entrepreneur, Dr. Campbell purchased a second dental practice, in Garland, Texas in the fall of 2019. Having gained a reputation as an expert in the complex area of dental insurance, Dr. Campbell’s new “moniker” is “The Dental Insurance Guy!” From understanding insurance to developing strategies to accelerate practice growth, Dr. Campbell delivers practical, actionable content that dentists and team members can use immediately. He dispels many of the myths and misinformation around today’s dental insurance policies and explains how to navigate the complexities of being an exceptional dentist, business owner, and leader while still having a life outside of work. Dr. Campbell lives in Prosper, Texas with his wife and two young children.
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