If an investigation was made of the story, facts, psychological aspects, colors, shape, times of use, regulations on the fabric etc. among ‘insiders’, few would be able to answer, as they would refer to personal habits or generalized customs. And yet, behind the white coat or mismatched outfit–an item of clothing which, according to an authoritative insider, ‘is given the same attention as a shoelace’–rises a wide range of reflections, some of which could even take us far; to various surprises, in any case. We will discover them a bit at a time through the various chapters of this text. Let us say right away that we will disregard the countless types of scrubs currently used in various trades and/or professions. We will focus on the role played by the white coat in the doctor-patient relationship and, in more detail, in the odontologist-patient relationship.
White effect
The white coat effect on the doctor-patient relationship
Édité parEdra media
ISBN :978-8-8214-5700-5
Date de parution :Janvier 2022
Pagination :76 pages
Auteur.s : Gianna Pamich.
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